There have been sink holes for a long time, but in recent years, these sink holes have increased drastically and they are occurring around the globe! Some are giants and have gobbled up people, homes, roads and buildings. Perhaps they will get even worse! Decades ago, such sink holes were not the problem they are today! That suggests something new and different is happening to our planet which is destructive.
The theories of why sink holes have increased in size and intensity are minimized. If anyone really knows, the general public isn’t being told maybe to prevent panic!
The Polar Shift
Another major earth altering phenomenon is also occurring, namely a polar shift. This is not readily mentioned in the news as sink holes are, but definitely is occurring too. Eskimos know about this change as it is clearly evident to them. Could the polar shift and sink holes be connected somehow? How such a shift in the magnetic North pole will affect the climate and earth itself is also reported as destructive!
To add to that, Japan’s radiation continues to pour into the ocean. Nuclear war also continues to loom in the background, as trouble continues to brew. These types of things are all referred to in the Bible, especially the book of Revelation. In the last book of the New Testament, Scripture foretells that billions will die because of the things coming on our planet! IF you are a Christian, these things must first occur before much better days arrive in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. IF you are not a Christian you are in the greatest danger of all though you are unaware of your danger!
How To Prepare
Trouble and problems have always been part of man’s earthly existence since the Fall, but a time unparalleled to man is yet before us! The only hope anyone has is in God and the only way to have the Father is through his son, Jesus Christ. Do YOU know Jesus? Are YOU worthy of Jesus? He is also the only way to prepare for your departure through death, which might be much closer than you know! Remember the Doomsday Clock? The ticks are running out!