Immaculate Mary Catholic Song

I still remember, when I was a Catholic, that we would sing praise songs to the fabricated Mary we were taught. Among them all, Immaculate Mary was one of the most popular. Since the lyrics of a song, not the musical tune, is the focal point for evaluating and comparing it with Scripture for soundness, Immaculate Mary definitely fails. Immaculate Mary is perpetuating a false and dangerous twisted image of the real Mary of the Bible, which in turn leads to a false understanding of salvation. Here are the actual lyrics for Immaculate Mary to be examined with Scripture (and which I once believed):
immaculate mary

Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing; You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King. Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!

In heaven, the blessed your glory proclaim; On earth we, your children, invoke your sweet name. Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!

We pray for the Church, our true Mother on earth, And beg you to watch o’er the land of our birth. Ave, ave, ave, Maria! Ave, ave, Maria!

The Immaculate Mary song openly proclaims the fabricated Mary of Catholicism to be:

  • immaculate (sinless to a Catholic).
  • co-reigning in Heaven with Jesus (Queen of Heaven with the King of Heaven).
  • Mary is praised in heaven as co-reigning Queen.
  • Mary’s children (Christians) on earth invoke her name (pray to her).
  • Mary is the deliverer and protector of our land (and us).

The false image of Mary presented in that song is basic to Catholicism, yet violently different from Scripture. Immaculate Mary has NOT been changed or removed since Vatican Council II and remains a deadly spiritual snare and stumbling block to nearly 1 billion Catholics in our day! How can so many former Catholics, who also used to sing such a song, just sit back and say nothing while so many Catholics around them are speeding their way to hell, dead in their sins, looking to Mary?

Bible Truth About The Real Mary

The real Mary of the Bible was a sinner too (Rom. 3:23). There is NO evidence that there is any real Queen of heaven, much less one who is co-reigning with Jesus. By teaching she and Jesus are reigning together, God the Father is excluded as sitting on the throne with Jesus (Acts 7:56; Rev. 22:1,3; etc.)! He is removed and Mary is placed there instead! In heaven, the Father and Jesus (the Lamb) receive equal praise in heaven (Rev. 5:13). There is no praise sung or spoken to Mary in heaven, or even any mention of her! Christians are not called children of Mary. Christians are sons of God (Gal. 3:26; 1 John 3:10; etc.) and call upon the name of the Lord (Psa. 91:15; John 14:14; Acts 7:59,60; etc.). Never is there even a hint that a Christian should call on Mary for anything. It is a form of idolatry to pray to Mary, since prayer is a form of worship. Mary is not our deliverer, protector, etc. We are to trust in God and Jesus for all of our earthly needs (Psa. 18:2,3; Jn. 14:1; etc.). Jesus is the one we must trust in, follow and obey to be a real Christian and have eternal life (Acts 20:21; John 10:27; Heb. 5:9 etc.).

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Did I Commit Eternal Sin

My name is ____, a __ year-old student from the UK. Firstly, thanks for your detailed and impressive breadth of teachings. However, I need to address one particular matter that does concern me, in regards to the Eternal Sin.

To give a brief background, I decided to start a relationship with God a few months ago due to aspects of myself that I was ashamed of, i.e. impulses I had via letting bitterness fester. It was clear to me that I needed to forgive people and to receive God’s forgiveness….My prayer was done as someone laid their hand on me, so I wonder whether I was very briefly saved before succumbing to anxiety and cowardice, as I immediately felt compelled to evangelize to some strangers walking nearby, yet I bottled it and resisted the Spirit’s encouragement– if it was Him- to pray to God, for the sake of going for a meal…. Since you disagree on the Eternal Security idea, it virtually will mean that if I was briefly saved, I have now backslid. Now, I do fully intend to avoid destruction and end up forever in the presence of God in heaven, thus I aim to get to know God properly and allow him to cleanse me. However, the spirit of fear consumes me, partly to do with failed past attempts to recommit and also whether I need to pluck up courage to confess aloud all sins including those I’m most ashamed of, if I cannot find a private enough place and have people overhear me.

My main worry now though is whether I have committed the eternal sin, as though I was well aware that lifelong rejection of Jesus equaled it…. I am concerned whether the fact that I believed them for a second or two to warrant the unpardonable sin. I do hope I am not beyond redemption and will prove that I will not have the mark of the beast, nor end up like the people mentioned in Hebrews 6:6. To clarify, I don’t believe in Hyper-Calvinism and do acknowledge your valid points against the Once Saved Always Saved argument…. I do apologize if this mail if overly long, but if you could advise me on how to go about my self-imposed situation and avoid annulling all hope for salvation, I shall be very grateful. Thanks

[Bible Answer] Greetings in Jesus’ name. NO you didn’t commit eternal sin. When a person is a new convert our enemy, the devil, will take advantage of his inexperience and lack of understanding to hurt and/or destroy his spiritual life, if possible. He has great suggestive powers and seems to be able to confuse most novices easily. Over time and learning the Scriptures you will be better able to stand strong.

To not witness to strangers is not the unpardonable sin. Eternal sin is believing Jesus performed his miracles through the power of the devil (Mark 3:22-30). You are also NOT like the people referred to in Hebrews 6:6. Remember, Peter disowned Jesus three times (Mt. 26:34) and that wasn’t eternal sin! After he repented, God used him mightily as the first half of the Book of Acts proves. So, you can come back. God wants you back and the devil (the father of lies) has been giving you untrue thoughts to destroy you, if possible. We are very glad you found us. Please make a point of it to carefully read truths for new converts and spiritual safeguards. If you are single, read this for Christian singles. Pray for boldness. You must learn to stand alone. Remember Heb. 3:14. GOD BLESS YOU.

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A Three Partner Marriage

Wickedness must continue to increase to pave the way for the antichrist to be accepted and rule (2 Thess. 2:1-10). There are various hints, some pointed and some inferred, scattered about in Scripture. Jesus said wickedness would increase at the end of this age (Mt. 24:12). In Brazil, a man and two women, all in their 30s, have recently been married!

Brazilian public notary Claudia do Nascimento Domingues set off a firestorm by granting Brazil’s first civil union to a trio, an act so unprecedented that there isn’t a word for it in Portuguese.

The trio says they want to be recognized as a family for public legal purposes. The trio has lived together and shared the same bank account:

Da Silva called the civil union “deceitful,” a runaround to grant status to a polygamous relationship.

What Domingues did was legally register the trio as a “stable union,” a civil union that extends all of the benefits of marriage, though there is debate about what rights the threesome will actually enjoy.

Though unclear, this maTRImony may be more than just the typical polygamy. The same Claudia do Nascimento Domingues is studying other cases too—one a quintet (two men and three women) and another trio (two men and one woman).

Trio Married In The Netherlands

Perhaps the Brazilian trio is similar to the trio married in the Netherlands in 2004. There Victor de Bruijn (46) “married” both Bianca (31) and Mirjam (35) in a ceremony. The following quote helps to clarify:
3 married

Asked by journalists to tell the secret of their peculiar relationship, Victor explained that there is no jealousy between them. “But this is because Mirjam and Bianca are bisexual. I think that with two heterosexual women it would be more difficult.” Victor stressed, however, that he is “a one hundred per cent heterosexual” and that a fourth person will not be allowed into the “marriage.” They want to take their marriage obligations seriously: “to be honest and open with each other and not philander.”

God established the marriage between one man and one woman. Same sex union is perversion and wickedness, according to Scripture (1 Cor. 6:9,10; Rom. 1:25-27; Jude 7; etc.). Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God with burning sulfur raining down on them because of that type of sexual sin (Gen. 19:4,5):

Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the LORD out of the heavens. (Gen 19:24)

Unprecedented Wickedness In The Forecast

The Book of Revelation alludes to the unprecedented wickedness during those future days. The primary one, after the world population worshiping the devil because he gives his power to the antichrist (Rev. 13:4), is when the devil is hurled down from heaven to earth:

The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. (Rev 12:9)

Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. (Rev 12:12)

The victory for the last generation is NOT where you live, but how you live:

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. (Rev 12:11)

Current events such as the aforementioned ones reveal our present society and what is yet to come, but they are not as clear and exact as the Holy Bible. Dear reader, are you ready for death? What do you have in writing from the Bible which shows you have eternal life? Do you really know the Lord Jesus Christ in the way of salvation? Are you a real Christian?

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I’ve Been Married 5 Times

Hello, I’ve read your articles I have to say I highly disagree with your thoughts on divorce and remarriage. 5 husbandsI’ve been married 5 times, the first time at 18 years old when I was far too young and the most recent marriage at __, seven years ago. It took me a while to find the right man who brought me happiness but I finally did. I still have a close relationship with God and Jesus and feel blessed to have found this man. So what exactly is wrong with me being happy with this man?

[Bible Answer] Greetings in Jesus’ name. Please give your Scriptural reasons why you reject our page on divorce and remarriage. It is based solely on Scripture. What do you base your rejection upon? To be valid it must be Scriptural (2 Tim. 3:16,17).

While it may be that you are happy with number 5, how does God view you and him? That is the issue, not your own happiness. Heart purity is the vital and deciding factor which will divide those who enter God’s holy presence after death and those who don’t (Mt. 5:8) and that can change after getting saved. For you to place that anywhere less than number one in importance reveals the dangerous spiritual deception you are in. There can be no controversy about the glaring message of Scripture that divorce and remarriage in at least the vast majority of cases in our present day, and maybe even all of them, result in adultery. That sin is great enough to cause a person previously saved and a possessor of eternal life to no longer have a relationship with God. Please ponder carefully 1 Cor. 6:9,10; Eph. 5:5-7 and Rev. 21:8.

You say of yourself, I still have a close relationship with God and Jesus, but that doesn’t mean it really exists! What is your Biblical evidence proving such a relationship in your situation? There is NO once saved always saved. A real Christian can die spiritually through adultery, with just one act, as King David did. It doesn’t take a practice of adultery to make one a Bible-defined adulterer. Again, a single act of adultery does that (Lev. 20:10). Remember Gal. 6:8,9; Mark 9:43-48 and Heb. 3:14. A Christian can lose his relationship with God through sin.

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I Got Divorced Because My Husband Cheated

I got divorced because my husband cheated on me more than once. I caught him and he was also addicted to pornography and made many lewd suggestions. I know the Bible allows divorce only in this case. As I was also abused by him I would like to know what now? I know of hundreds of women being killed by their husbands, their children abused and tortured and because the word is not clear on this they stay and get murdered?

The Bible tells us to stay away from a man that’s angry and we must not condone evil words and actions but as this is not given as a reason for divorce what should be done? If you have background of abuse you might know that these men stalk, take on other names and personalities, abuse, torture and do horrendous things to their wives and children. What do we do in these cases, some of these men do not commit adultery that their wives know of but they do terrible things to them….I would greatly appreciate a response to my email as these questions are constantly asked and I do not know how to respond. Kind regards

[Bible Answers] I’m very sorry about your husband. Sin causes much misery and pain which even extends over to innocent people. There is no question that a Christian wife does NOT have to live in the same house with such a vile servant of the devil like him. Such a woman should separate to another location.

It is highly possible that the Mt. 5:32 and Mt. 19:9 passages you referred to might not mean what you think. Please go to Divorce, Remarriage and Adultery and read the part under the subheading Divorce Except For Fornication. The spiritual danger in a remarriage is adultery. Please be careful and guard your heart, even against unforgiveness. Your SOUL is your most valuable possession (Mk. 8:36,37). God bless you.

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Torah and Hebrew Roots

Good day. Thank you for your website. I truly hope I get an answer because I am utterly confused. I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior in 2001. I prayed to the Father in His name, got healed and He carried me through many tough battles. However, I have now been bombarded by friends saying I believe wrong. I read your article on Yeshua or Jesus and this is my point, they now say I worshiped a false Jesus and that His name is pagan and that everything I believed was wrong.
hebrew roots

I know Jesus was a Jew and upheld Torah and the feasts of the OT and because He did this I feel we should to as He never told us not to. He said we should follow the commandments of His Father. I am just so confused, if I believe incorrectly as well as many others; people are not getting saved, delivered, healed or set free from bondage by the Messiah but by a false god?

I do not celebrate Christmas since I know it is pagan as I have a history of these things but my faith is slipping because I am so confused with what to believe. If I don’t follow Torah and use the Hebrew names I go to hell and if I do I don’t? I believed accepting Jesus as my savior being changed by the spirit and obeying God’s word and staying pure is what I was supposed to do and now all this? I want to live and spread the word and show how my life was changed but I cannot do this while so confused? …I am confused about the Hebrew Roots teachings and the fact that people say Jesus is false and a lie if we don’t use Yeshua and because they cling to Torah as well. I believe the OT should be adhered to as these morals laws were made to keep society pure and orderly but I do not believe I served a false Jesus.

[Bible Answer] Greetings in Jesus’ holy name. You are a prime example of how false doctrine can upset and confuse someone. You stated you got saved [accepted Jesus] in 2001 and got prayer answers using the name of Jesus. Now you are wondering about all of that because of what you were told. Please don’t let people (who go outside the Scriptures) shake your Bible-based experience. What they are teaching you is VIOLENTLY WRONG and DANGEROUS. The New Testament was written in Greek (not Hebrew) because that was the language used in the Roman empire then. In fact, the Old Testament was also translated into Greek about 300 years before the birth of Christ. It is called the Septuagint (LXX). At times, Jesus actually quoted it (as in Mark 7:6,7 cf. Isa. 29:13) as did the New Testament writers! NOTE: Though Jesus, Paul, etc. were Hebrew, they actually quoted the GREEK translation of the Old Testament. All the NT authors wrote the Scriptures in GREEK!

It is true that the Lord Jesus was Jewish and observed the feast days. He, however, opposed the dietary laws (Mark 7:19), as did the Apostle Paul (1 Tim. 4:3-6). The Lord also expanded upon many issues mentioned in the Old Testament, such as lust in the heart equals adultery (Mt. 5:28,29), and he mentioned new issues such as the vital importance of forgiving others who sin against you (Mt. 6:14,15; 18:22-35). Those salvation related truths, and others not cited here, are NOT IN THE TORAH. Jesus taught new spiritual light, as the Father gave him to speak. Also, his bloody death on the cross cancelled out animal sacrifices and the whole Levitical priesthood found in the Torah! Read the book of Hebrews carefully for more related information. Things are much different now!

In Acts, Christians separated from the synagogues to worship and have communion together because they believed differently and had eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus, which the Torah followers didn’t have! The differences between Christians and Jewish people are especially evident in Paul’s epistles, as he frequently fought the same kind of issue which is confusing you (and others) in our day! Be sure to click Deadly Galatianism Reintroduced. The book of Galatians is perfect for you to read regarding this. Please read it at least 6 or 8 times.

NOTE: In all the various listings in the New Testament which state who will not inherit God’s kingdom (Mk. 7:20-23; 1 Cor. 6:9,10; Eph. 5:5-7; Gal. 5:19-23; etc.), but will be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8), NONE include, even once, non Saturday Sabbath keepers or those who don’t keep the Jewish feast days. Remember that and don’t allow others to pull you away from the actual Scriptures. We have victory in Jesus. It is possible to fall from grace and lose your salvation through false doctrine (Gal. 5:2-4). God bless you.

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Jesus Offended People

As strange as it may sound, the Lord Jesus (who did everything perfectly) offended people by his life-giving teachings! Remember, Jesus is love in the flesh, yet his wiser than Solomon teachings (which were also 100% pure, sound and accurate) were offensive to some because they were truth! The problem, therefore, was on the receiving end, not the giving end, that is, the heart of the truth rejecters:
God's truth offends

Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?” (Mat 15:12)

If such happened in our day, some unbelievers might wrongly accuse the sinless and perfect Lord Jesus, as being guilty of a hate crime! Jesus’ reaction to the disciples also seems different from what we might expect. That too is noteworthy!

He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Mat 15:13,14)

Jesus showed no remorse, no apology and no regret in what he said or how he said it that caused the Pharisees to be offended. Truth is truth, like it or not. Take it or leave it. It’s not going to change. If people get offended over truth, it is their flaw and to their harm, not the giver of the truth of God. The offended ones are the ones who need to change. Furthermore, Jesus said leave them. They are blind guides. Blind guides are very dangerous to themselves and to their blind following, but they still deserve the truth, which they reject. The Pharisees were wrong and Jesus publicly corrected them for the sake of the crowd:
hate crime

Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’” (Mat 15:10,11)

Jesus elaborated several verses later:

Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’ For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man ‘unclean’; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him ‘unclean.'” (Mat 15:17-20)

The parallel listing in Mark is more comprehensive:

He went on: “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean.’ For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.'” (Mark 7:20-23)

Sin is the issue with God and has a lethal contaminating effect on the one who yields to it (Gal. 6:8,9; Eph. 5:5-7; James 1:14-16; Rev. 21:8; etc.). A pure heart can become defiled by sin (1 Tim. 1:5,6). That is why Paul told Timothy to keep himself pure (1 Tim. 5:22). Sin makes one spiritually unclean, unlike eating with ceremonially unclean hands. That precious truth should have never offended the Pharisees, but it did. It conflicted with their Scripture nullifying traditions (Mt. 15:6). They were offended, because they were not on the side of truth (John 18:37) yet unwilling to change. If they would have received the truth and changed accordingly it would have been to their major advantage. Instead, they were offended, rejected the truth and remained blind, as they continued down the road to hell in their sins and without eternal life.

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Traveling Down The Wrong Road

[Bible Answer to fan of Joseph Prince] Greetings in Jesus’ name. The ultimate issue with teachers is truth. wrong roadAs a Christian, I am commanded to expose the unfruitful deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11), contend against the grace changers (Jude 3,4), preach the word to correct and rebuke (2 Tim. 4:2-4), etc. To show, by documenting someone’s teachings, then contrasting such to Scripture, is a blessing and help. It is like a road sign showing a traveler which way to go. It is not being unloving or unmerciful. It is obedience to God and showing love for precious SOULS, who are being lethally deceived. It has nothing to do with being disrespectful. (A false teacher shouldn’t be shown the respect and honor a true teacher should get anyways.)

Please know, just because someone mentions the Lord Jesus, grace, salvation, eternal life, Christian, etc. doesn’t mean he/she is declaring Biblical truth, even if he is popular and a smooth talker. If you would take some time and read through the New Testament for yourself you will notice the emphasis is on truth as stated in Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16,17), especially when dealing with the gospel. Just for preaching a false gospel, one will go to hell (Gal. 1:8,9). That alone shows how vital truth is, especially about salvation itself.

Any person who claims to declare the truth of God about salvation, being a Christian or the related, but isn’t, is really a dangerous snare and stumbling block to precious SOULS regardless how friendly, smiley and sound he may appear. wrong roadIt’s like driving down a dangerous road going in the wrong direction because of someone misleading you. Many spiritual things are NOT like Joseph Prince teaches! He has misrepresented grace, distorted the image of being a Christian, contorted what God is like, etc.! He has people believing they are on the road to heaven guaranteed to enter God’s kingdom after death, when they are actually on the road to hell in dire need of repentance for salvation’s sake. How serious is that? What kind of respect should such a dangerous person be shown? Souls have been adversely affected by his teachings. Unfortunately, Joseph Prince is not alone. There are many others in our day, who have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error (Jude 11), changed grace into a license to sin (Jude 3,4), etc. The 30,000 in his congregation is very small compared to the number in Catholicism. Joseph Prince would have to say that Catholicism is blatantly wrong about their Mary, the pope being infallible, etc. yet the Catholic Church has about 1,000,000,000 under their deceptive influence! Numbers are irrelevant. Truth is the issue and Joseph Princes (and others like him) fail miserably there.

To be sincere and/or believe in God is not good enough! To mention Biblical terms is not good enough. If we are deceived about salvation by a false prophet, which are day is full of (Mt. 7:15; Mt. 24:11, 24; 2 Pet. 2:1-3; 1 John 4:1), it won’t turn out good. To be a Christian one must first learn what it takes and do it. Just knowing the true plan of salvation is worthless unless one acts upon truth and that has been confused, denied and avoided by false teachers. Sin drags people to hell fire (Mk. 9:43-48 cf. 1 Cor. 6:9,10). Anyone who teaches God can’t see sin after one gets saved, his future sins are already forgiven or the like, is more dangerous than a quack medical doctor. The harm he is inflicting will stretch throughout eternity and that includes Joseph Prince.

We have much free material proving from the Scriptures that our doctrines are Biblically sound. We also have books, which have helped many better understand these salvation related issues.  To refute false teachers and concepts is an example set by the Lord Jesus himself (Mt. 23:1-33; John 8:39-59) and the Apostle Paul (Acts 17:29-32; etc.). Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth (Gal. 4:16)?

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How Can Someone Know If He Is Called To Preach

[Bible Question] How can someone know if God is calling them to preach? Thank you for your time, I will pray for your ministry, and your book has been a blessing to me!

[Bible Answer] I know God called me to preach the same way I know I’m saved! I know that I know. I can only assume it is like that for others. NOTE: Just because one is called to preach does NOT mean he is ready or qualified! One MUST be both godly and sound in doctrine (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1; 1 Pet. 5). If not, he will cause HARM to others and himself!

A teacher’s judgment will be MORE STRICT (James 3:1). Such should not be pursued unless one is DEAD SERIOUS and knows God has called him. A preacher will face MANY VERY PAINFUL issues! It is NOT a bed of roses.

ALL Christians should witness and win souls. I started preaching on street corners and preached hundreds of times there! It is a great place to win souls. In fact, a street evangelist will win MANY MORE SOULS on the streets than in church buildings! The churches are APOSTATE. If you are called, ready and qualified to preach, they probably won’t want you to preach to them and will ignore or oppose you! Take the gospel to the streets. Get sound gospel literature and spread the life-giving gospel. You can print your own FREE gospel literature or order gospel tracts in BULK here. The harvest fields are ripe. Remember 1 Cor. 9:27 & 1 Tim. 4:16. GOD BLESS YOU.

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Yeshua Or My Salvation Is At Risk

[Email Over Yeshua Controversy] Hello, my name is ______…. He [my husband] has been praying for insight from our heavenly Father about the coming deception, and about things not fully explained in scripture. He truly believes that he has been given messages from the Father. His current belief is the one described in your article. He believes that the name Jesus was not the name of The Son. He is insistent that Greek is a deceitful and pagan language, and that the new testament was written in Hebrew originally. I should state that there is no reasoning with him, and he is quite forceful that I must come to the same understanding or my salvation is at risk. He believes that past generations that call on the name of Jesus unknowingly are fine because the Father knows the heart and the intention. He says it is different now as we come to understand the ‘deception’. I am asking please for as much supporting evidence as possible that the New Testament was in Greek, as well as the most people praying that you can. I am living in a battle ground over this issue, and my kids believe he is correct. Thank you for helping,

[Bible Answer] Greetings in Jesus’ holy name. We are very sorry for this trouble, but you are not alone. The Yeshua people can be very divisive and disturbing. Their whole belief is based on ignorance, but they remain unmovable! It is shocking to see this in anyone who is supposed to love truth. If your husband, or anyone, thinks he is having revelations from God, etc., but they are promoting false doctrine, then such a person is deceived. NEVER in the first, maybe 20 years of my Christian life, did I ever hear it challenged that the New Testament wasn’t written in Greek! In our APOSTATE day when everything is contradicted and challenged, even that has occurred.

The burden of proof is on your husband to prove the New Testament was written in some other language than Greek- if it is Hebrew or whatever. The available manuscripts for the New Testament are in GREEK. There are thousands of them. What throws off the Yeshua people regarding this is: though the writers of the NT were Jews (except Luke), the tendency would be to think they wrote in Hebrew. The truth is: the Roman empire was a Greek writing and Greek speaking area and they dominated the known world back then. They communicated in the koine Greek because that was the language of the common people, including the least educated. Apparently, the Holy Spirit wanted God’s truth written in the NT to be written in a way which all could benefit by reading or hearing it read for themselves. That is why it was NOT written in Hebrew, but instead in the koine Greek! May God give your household PEACE over this divisive issue. God bless you and don’t refrain from using the PRECIOUS name of JESUS. It has and is used in powerful prayer for healings, casting out demons and salvation. GOD BLESS YOU. Heb. 3:14.

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