[Bible Questions] Hello, I am new to Christianity and I would like to preach the gospel to people on the street, not to a large group but just to individual people I see on the street. I have nobody to teach me and would like it if you could answer some questions for me or help me get started. How do I begin the conversation? I want to bring the church to the lost and preach the good news but I have no idea how to start a conversation like this with people. How do I carry on the conversation? Could you please give me some examples of preaching conversations I could use until I get comfortable making my own conversation? Thank you so much.
[Bible Answer] Greetings in Jesus’ name. Your godly desire to sow gospel seeds to others is wonderful to read. Make sure you know the real gospel, which is summarized in Acts 20:21 with a conditional security (1 Cor. 15:2). SIN is the problem, but the people don’t know it. Hence, Psa. 36:1,2 is perfect regarding that:
… An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes. For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. (Psa 36:1,2)
You can help the lost overcome those issues of their own sinfulness EASILY and QUICKLY with 1 Cor. 6:9,10. IF possible read the scripture with them from your Bible, so they too can see what it says. It is a powerhouse passage. Use 1 Cor. 6:9,10 often. It is the best single passage when soul winning that I know to make those points showing the need of the people to repent (turn from evil).
What works great for me when soul winning is to ask people this question, “IF I wasn’t a Christian and asked you how to be a Christian, what would you tell me?” With that question, you’ll quickly find out what people are trusting in/doing for salvation. To carry on the conversation after they respond, you must know the word! There are many strange ideas and depending on what people answer you need to respond logically based on scripture. It’s like learning to drive a car. At first it might seem hard, but after a while it becomes VERY EASY, but you must still be alert. You will get better at soul winning and preaching. Don’t compare yourself with an experienced street preacher or seasoned veteran soul winner, but instead learn the good from such, IF there is good to notice! (We are in a very dark and widespread apostasy. Many preachers are not good examples!)
The two greatest issues you will face will be discouragement and fear. Both are from the devil to stop you. It takes courage and faith to go on the frontlines. It can be a place of serious danger and great temptation. You must keep yourself pure (1 Tim. 5:22) and go boldly. I have seen amazing and zealous street preachers get picked off by the devil with sin! If you aren’t careful, such could happen to you too, but it doesn’t have to. You must be guarded!
Dedicate your time and life to God. Learn the NT. We listen to the Bible ALL night long and have done so for decades! It is great to listen to and learn that way. You MUST know the Bible for you will encounter Jehovah’s Witnesses and others who can quote scripture out of context. YOU WILL LEARN AS YOU GO ALONG. When I first started, if someone would ask me a question I couldn’t answer, I asked for their name and address and told them I’d send them the answer. Carry a small notebook and ink pen with you for such and other things to record. Remember Mt. 10:32,33. Using [sound] gospel tracts is very important and easy too. Read this about Gospel Tract Evangelism. You can print FREE gospel tracts from your printer or you can buy Gospel Tracts in bulk from us. Let me know how things are going. Keep in touch. 1 Cor. 15:58.