When the devil tempts anyone, he surely will never reveal the misery, regret and other pain involved with any type of sin. That truth is important for us all to remember, especially for single Christians looking for a spouse. But what happens when a Christian gives in to sexual temptation? Read the following email for yourself and feel the horrible pain associated with sexual immorality:
I Have Never Felt More Terrible in My Life
… I broke up with my boyfriend and I realized he just used me for my bodily pleasures and when he realized I couldn’t return to him cus I moved onto another country for my further studies he broke up with me.
I have never felt more terrible in my life, that I’ve been used and he never loved me. I feel terrible for leaving the Lord for a guy like him. I was a born again Christian who has backslided and I had sexual relations with this guy. Do you think I have one more chance at salvation? Could God forgive me for what I’ve done and accept me again…? Do I have another chance?
The good news for backsliders like her is that they can return to salvation and fellowship with God again. The joy of salvation can return (Psa 51:12). The Bible is final authority and error-free and explicitly shows that to be true with the prodigal son and King David. Some teach twice lost, always lost and are unscriptural. James 5:19,20 and Luke 15:24 are clear that such repentant people can become possessors of eternal life again.
Hold On To What You Have
Christian singles (and all Christians) need to hold on to what they have. This is part of New Testament grace. Jesus wasn’t joking or speaking idle words when he taught Christians:
I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. (Rev 3:11)
Among others, the Tempter (Mt. 4:3) wants to take your crown! Be on your guard!