There are millions of sincere Roman Catholics who think they have to do some sort of personal suffering to get their own sins forgiven. Consequently, in countries like the Philippines and elsewhere, during Lent some Roman Catholics crawl on their knees or bellies, cut themselves, beat themselves to the point of blood flow, etc. to atone for their sins. They miss the basic Biblical truth that Jesus died and suffered for them and therefore they do these strange unscriptural things in vain. While it is factual that true repentance (not penance) which brings about salvation has sorrow with it (2 Cor. 7:10), the sorrowful don’t try to atone for their own sins that way.
We are told, Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter in recognition of Jesus fasting and being tempted by the devil for 40 days before his ministry began. Prior to the 40 day period of depriving oneself of certain luxuries is the infamous and ungodly Mardi Gras celebration where wickedness abounds. The Mardi Gras is an open public festivity involving excessive eating, drinking and even orgies for some, which will precede the upcoming 40 day period of fasting (Lent) and depriving oneself afterwards. Pagan practices like these are far from the message of the New Testament.
The truth is: the Lord Jesus shed his blood on the cross in a one time for all sin blood sacrifice. It was finished at the cross. See John 19:30; Heb. 7:27; 9:12; 9:26,28; 10:10; 1 Pet. 3:18; etc. His sinless blood was acceptable and sufficient, but ours could never be and is not needed. Hence, to shed your own blood to add to Jesus’ sacrifice is an insult to what Jesus has already fully accomplished by himself. It is useless for Catholics, regardless how sincere, to try to atone for their sins by personal sufferings! It is also important for Catholics to know their priest can’t forgive their sins and Mary the mother of Jesus should not be viewed the way they were taught. As a former Roman Catholic, I (Dan Corner) know from first-hand experience. **Don’t allow false teachings deceive you from getting eternal life, which is in the Lord Jesus Christ.